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Crystal Wagner

I help goal-oriented women calm the chaos so they can move from surviving to thriving.


About Crystal

After earning her Master of Accountancy degree, Crystal worked as an auditor and later in planning and forecasting in the corporate offices of an international company. She subsequently worked as the business administrator for her church. After her oldest daughter was born, Crystal left the workforce and began learning about child development and educational philosophies. She used this knowledge to homeschool her two daughters and later to inspire and equip other parents to homeschool their children by publishing resources and speaking at conventions.

As a life and homeschool coach and a veteran homeschool mom with over 13 years of homeschool experience, she delights in inspiring and equipping parents to cultivate an atmosphere where they and their children can thrive. She loves supporting parents as they calm the chaos of their schedule, manage their emotions, develop richer relationships, and train their children.

Crystal enjoys traveling, reading, being in nature, and, most importantly, spending time with her family. You can connect with Crystal at

  • Oklahoma, United States
  • Certified Professional Life and Leadership Coach
  • Pursuing ACC through International Coaching Federation (ICF)
  • Strengths Champion Certified Coach®
Who I Help
  • Home Educators
  • Homeschool Parents
  • Moms
  • women