Amanda Richey
Helping Gutsy Women find the kick they need to be their most awesome self!

Nevada, United States
Certified Life Coach with ICF
Masters in Anthropology
Wellness Certified Coach with Coach Training Edu
Gutsy Women
Millennial Women
About Amanda
Hi, I am Amanda, I am that no-nonsense, no BS friend you wish you had (or are maybe a little scared to have). I excel at helping Gutsy women identify why they are stuck, what is holding them back, and then pushing them (and yes maybe delivering a little kick) through to living the life of their dreams, the Gutsy Life.
I know you, I was you. I decided to become a life coach when I realized that what I needed was someone to get me UNSTUCK so I could start being/acting/living the life I was meant to live: the Gutsy Life.
I realized that if I needed that push, so do others, and as my friends will attest, I can be rather pushy (in a good way they swear!). I realized that I had tried and failed so many times to get myself where I wanted to be that I had learned a lot that could help others.
And the good news for you is; I know how to do it, I know what it takes to do it, because I tried it all. I know what you need because I was you!
I feel so inspired to help you because I finally feel unstuck, I have uncovered my awesome self, and I know how empowering that is. I want to help you do the same! I am ready to take on your fears and doubts and give you the kick in the butt you need to live the Gutsy Life!
My mission is to build a tribe – a tribe of Gutsy women, empowering and pushing each other to make a positive change in their lives and in the world.
If you feel stuck, uncertain, ho-hum about where you are in life- I am the kick in the butt that you need!
I help Gutsy women just like you who feel stuck, figure out what the hell is holding you back so that you can really go for it and live the Gutsy life of your dreams.
Nevada, United States
Certified Life Coach with ICF
Masters in Anthropology
Wellness Certified Coach with Coach Training Edu
Gutsy Women
Millennial Women