Judy Hersch
Master Your Heart-Brain Connection and Master Your Life
- California, United States
- Energy Codes Coach and Facilitator
- HeartMath Certified Trainer
- Judy Hersch
- Life Mastery Consultant
- Business Owners
- Career-Changers
- Entrepreneurs
- Executives
- Men and Women Seeking to Maximize Personal & Professional Performance
- People seeking to build a better relationships with themselves and others
- Those dealing with "Imposter Syndrome"
- Those seek to find greater purpose and meaning in life
About Judy
Judy spent 20 years in Corporate America as a Corporate Trainer and Project Manager, consistently working 60 – 80 hour weeks. In parallel, she was coaching part-time, as this was her true passion. She remembers, "At that time in my life, I held a limiting belief that I had to have a corporate job to support my family, save for retirement and have good health benefits. I thought that was the way life worked."
Because she continued burning the candle at both ends, life gave her what she refers to as a few wake-up calls, which were serious health scares that actually took her out of work for some time. Despite these scares, she continued to push herself, justifying her actions with the belief, "you just have to deal with the hardships of life and move on!" So back to Corporate she went the minute her health showed signs of improvement.
The final wake-up call came when her father was diagnosed with ALS (Lou-Gehrig’s disease), a progressive neurodegenerative disease. This news shook her to the core and drove her to quit her Corporate career so she could help take care of her father.
And that decision probably saved her life and definitely changed her life forever. She founded Evolution Solutions, a global coaching, speaking, and training company, which gave her the flexibility to take care of her father while pursuing her passion of teaching clients worldwide to unlock their potential, personally and professionally.
- California, United States
- Energy Codes Coach and Facilitator
- HeartMath Certified Trainer
- Judy Hersch
- Life Mastery Consultant
- Business Owners
- Career-Changers
- Entrepreneurs
- Executives
- Men and Women Seeking to Maximize Personal & Professional Performance
- People seeking to build a better relationships with themselves and others
- Those dealing with "Imposter Syndrome"
- Those seek to find greater purpose and meaning in life