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Rim Jarbouai

Helping you to create an inspired life, with simplicity, joy and authenticity


About Rim

I help highly sensitive people and empaths to uncover the blocks, limiting beliefs and unhelpful patterns holding them back.

I will give you tools that you can easily use to add colors to your life, to shape it, to give it the texture you desire so that your experiences are aligned with your true self.
Tapping into my extensive experience as an artist and as a NLP practitioner, I developed my personal process blending creative mindset and subconscious reprogramming. I believe everyone has a special creative gift, and deserve to be the artist of your life.

Together, we will reveal the inner artist in you who will help you blossom and shine. So that you create the life that truly resembles you.

We’re all creative souls already, we just need to figure out how to harness inspiration and unleash the creative spirit within. Leading a creative life means living according to our own beliefs, values and passions. It means being open to new possibilities, discoveries, exploration, experimentation and self-expression. It is a way of being, a lifestyle.

Creativity is a process of discovery ... and we all have to start somewhere, and sometimes start over and over again.
The creative journey is accessible to everyone.

From childhood, I have been encouraged to be an artist and creative in my activities, but I was not taught how to use my creativity to my advantage in my actual life.
It took me a while to realize how my my mindset and the choices I was making were opposing my deeply creative soul.

As a highly sensitive person, I found it hard to cope in society.
I was feeling everything so intensely. I had deep empathy for others. Inconveniencing others was too painful for me, so I became a bit of a people pleaser. Yet I kept feeling misunderstood and awkward.
For a long time, because I had various passions (including personal development), and had "non-linear » experiences (from fashion designer to pattern maker and business owner to university professor and teaching Improv’ theater to kids), I felt like the weirdo unable to fit in.

Although I followed the career of my dreams, I was struggling with the perceived expectation that it wasn’t safe to be sensitive and to be myself.
I tried to bury that side of myself, thickening my protective shell, and went on working and hustling.
Drained and overwhelmed, I hit burnout. I tried again. Same result: overwhelm and burnout.
That’s when I realized that my shell had grown so thick and heavy that it was threatening to smother me.
Something then downed on me: while busy trying to "make it" in fashion, I had lost my joy and passion in the process.
After every burnout, what pulled me back together is engaging in artistic endeavors, akin to my childhood carefree activities.
I dedicated myself to a daily dose of creative joy, without any result in mind. Creating just for the pleasure of it.
Something wonderful happened: day after day, I could feel my shell getting lighter and lighter. I was feeling less oppressed.

I realized that my high sensibility and unique set of experiences were actually a strength, not a liability. By tapping in my inner artist and applying creativity to my every day life. Adding to that NLP techniques to creatively rewire my neural pathways, I have been able to find clarity with my identity and my purpose, so that I can show up with more authenticity and thrive.

I am now passionate about helping people just like you build creative confidence to craft a life you love. So that you can shine your light too.

  • France
  • BA Textile Design
  • Certified Life Coach
  • Certified NLP Practitioner
Who I Help
  • Adults
  • Artists
  • Creatives
  • Empaths
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Freelancers
  • Highly Sensitive People