Greg Jones
'What would the person be doing fight now that has what you want'
- New Zealand
- Any one who wants to take action and get out of feeling stuck
- Business owners
- Creators
- Entrepreneurs,
- Health and Vitality
- Intuition
- Inventors
- mental health
- People wanting to live a life they love
- Removing resistance to public speaking or making videos/going live
- True purpose
About Greg
Hi Im Greg and Im a Certified Creation Coach since a young age I would have success and then loose it and have to start again, I had a pain from not belonging and not good enough which always got in my way. At the age of 47 left my professional career and traditional business's and went full time studying how the consciousness works and why some of us have more mental issues than others.
After studying many different modalities and coaching programmes I answered an ad online, went to an event and it changed my life. I was able to remove the pain from past memories that didn't serve me and have more peace and wisdom, but best of all be able to take action with ease.
Since then I have gone on to create a successful coaching company with clients around the world create my own programmes, a affordable masterclass with over 80 recordings and live events which I'm truly grateful for.
Im certified in the Magnetic Mind methos and have studied many modality', I have heaps of experience and knowledge any many aspects of life and love coaching others to have the same.
Your'e not broken just in the wrong structure, thoughts are things, what we think about we bring about, I will have you focusing on what you want rather then what you dont want,
Check out our website or come join our private facebook group for awesome free content.
- New Zealand
- Any one who wants to take action and get out of feeling stuck
- Business owners
- Creators
- Entrepreneurs,
- Health and Vitality
- Intuition
- Inventors
- mental health
- People wanting to live a life they love
- Removing resistance to public speaking or making videos/going live
- True purpose