Jennifer Sbalcio
I love helping shopaholics become more conscious & responsible shoppers. I help you become mindful not only of what you're bringing in, but what you surround yourself with and keep.

California, United States
People interested in reselling
People who love to shop
People with charitable hearts
People with hoarding tendencies
About Jennifer
I LOVE Shopping. Still do.
I used to shop any chance I could.
I'm great at finding deals & buying gifts.
But my closets, spare bedroom, garage, and car became packed with all of my finds and my husband was not very happy.
It was stressing him out and I also realized I didn't want to keep living this way.
I started taking decluttering courses, reading articles, and listening to podcasts again.
Plus, I started digging deeper:
Why do I keep shopping for things I'm never going to wear or use?
Why do I have such a hard time letting go?
I halted my shopping, had some yard sales, did some re-selling, and donated tons to charity.
Today I still shop but I'm more mindful of what I bring in and what I keep.
And this is what I'm excited to help you with.
California, United States
People interested in reselling
People who love to shop
People with charitable hearts
People with hoarding tendencies