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Becky Colwell

Sales is a connected conversation leading to a Yes Please with Ease™


About Becky

Becky is on a mission to change the awful perception of sales. She believes that the only time that you notice ‘being sold to’ is when it’s done badly! When you’ve had a connected conversation with someone who is offering a product or a service that you want or need, you don’t notice ‘being sold to’, because you’re too busy buying.

Sales is just another business skill that supports your success, and Becky believes that everyone can sell with ease, stay aligned to their values, and connected with their clients.

After a 15-year career in Sales, and as top salesperson in almost every organization that she worked in (**blush, squirm**), the feeling of only ever being as good as her last month’s figures left its toll on Becky, and she changed direction to work in business improvement, eventually becoming a consultant for large corporates. At 50 she took the leap into entrepreneurship, and Heart to Heart Sales was founded to help coaches, healers and consultants sell more without ever feeling salesy.

  • United Kingdom
Who I Help
  • Kind business owners
  • Purpose led women in business
  • Those who hate the idea of 'selling'.