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Mabel Peter

I help new and aspiring women entrepreneurs overcome fear, self-doubt and overwhelm so they can confidently create a business they’re truly passionate about 💕


About Mabel

Hey there! I’m Mabel Peter, and I’m all about helping aspiring women entrepreneurs beat fear, self doubt and challenges, so they can pursue their passion, chase their dreams and confidently start a business they truly love.

Think of me as your ultimate cheerleader and coach—I’m certified to help you tackle both mindset and business challenges, and I’ve got the credentials to prove it.
Yep, I’m a certified PCC Level 2 Coach by the ICF, which means I’m serious about helping you succeed.

But wait, there’s more! I’m not just all talk. I’m in the trenches with you—I co-founded, a tech company, where I handle all things product and marketing. Plus, I’m rocking a full-time gig as a software whiz. Oh, and did I mention I’m a proud mom of two kiddos and two fur babies?

So I know how overwhelming it can feel to juggle dreams, work, and family life.
But trust me, I’ve been there. I’ve stared down those doubts and fears and come out on top.

And guess what? You’ve got what it takes, too.

Let’s kick those doubts to the curb together and unleash your inner boss lady.

Shall We? Let’s go for it!.

  • India
  • GCCP
Who I Help
  • Aspiring Entrepreneurs
  • New Entrepreneurs
  • Women Entrepreneurs
  • Women Professionals