Kit Roberts
Helping busy professionals build a life that's happy, healthy, and whole

North Carolina, United States
Certified Professional Coach
National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach
About Kit
When I discovered coaching as a profession, I realized I had discovered my purpose! It is my sincerest desire that I can be a part of helping you find yours!
I believe you are divinely created and uniquely gifted for a specific purpose. Maybe you've been lucky enough to have discovered your purpose already! Kudos to YOU!! I'll be honest... For the longest time, I envied people who seemed to have it all together. You know the ones that say “Oh, I’m living the dream!” Why were THEY getting to live the dream and I wasn’t?
Don’t get me wrong! I’ve had a very blessed life-especially from the outside looking in. But I can tell you, that behind closed doors, it has been messy at times. One big HOT MESS!
I wouldn’t trade those messy times for anything in the world! I learned SO much from them and it’s out of those messes that “A Renovated Life” was born.
I learned to tear down walls that kept me from making authentic relationships and how to erect walls that protected me from those that might hurt me. I gathered tools that allowed me to nail down my values and convictions and other tools that helped me patch parts of my heart that were broken along the way. I learned that success isn’t measured in how much money you have or the size of your home but rather if you have friends that come in the back door because they know you keep it unlocked.
No, the messes in life are what breathe passion into our purpose. It’s where we find our God-given grit! It’s where we learn crying is cathartic, fear need only be temporary, and humor can be healing.
As your Life Coach, I’m so excited that my purpose is to be part of your present and help you find your passion!
North Carolina, United States
Certified Professional Coach
National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach