Ellen Drews
Relational and Betrayal Trauma Recovery Coach
- Florida, United States
- Betrayal Trauma Specialist APSATS
- Early Recovery Couples Empathy Specialist
- Master Certified Life Coach
- Sex Addiction Professional IITAP
- Couples restoring intimacy
- Relationships with addiction
- Women healing from betrayal trauma
About Ellen
As a life coach, I remind clients of their possibilities, their strengths and their greatness. I provide guidance to clients who wish to shift and transform. I support clients who are in the midst of major life changes to remain grounded, focused and driven. I support clients who are hurting and choose to heal. Coaching provides clients with the care and the support often needed to find a new sense of empowerment.
Betrayal Trauma is the complex and intense physical (somatic) and psychological (mental, emotional, and spiritual) response to discovering that the person who you trust and depend on violated your trust, thus your well-being. Betrayal trauma can be shocking, disorientating, and destabilizing.
If relationships feel unhealthy or problematic, it’s possible that you have developed beliefs about yourself and about being a woman that are in conflict with the truth of who you were created to be.
I partner with individuals who are ready to face their fears, embrace change, set goals, deepen relationships, and to live authentic and joyful lives. Lets take these next steps together.
- Florida, United States
- Betrayal Trauma Specialist APSATS
- Early Recovery Couples Empathy Specialist
- Master Certified Life Coach
- Sex Addiction Professional IITAP
- Couples restoring intimacy
- Relationships with addiction
- Women healing from betrayal trauma