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Janice Chaka

Rethinking Impostor Syndrome™ Coach Practitioner || I coach passionate introverts and the companies who need them to create inclusive environments where everyone wins.


About Janice

For nearly two decades, I have worked with over 1000 introvert professionals across the globe; guiding them to build careers and businesses that work with their introversion rather than against it.

Introvert is a word to explain how you manage your energy.

My methods help me work with you to quickly resolve the resistance and emotional tug-of-war of overwhelm, procrastination, anxiety, worry, and doubt, and other emotions that always show up when working in an extrovert leaning world.

Janice Chaka is a respected international HR professional, Rethinking Impostor Syndrome™ Coach Practitioner, virtual business owner, author, introvert coach, and professional podcaster. Long before "working remote" was hip, she confidently led a remote recruiting team. Known as the Career Introvert, Janice excels at solving complex HR challenges, managing emotions, and setting boundaries as an introvert -- Janice has mastered the art of leveraging introvert strengths to build a thriving virtual business in a global market. As a result, she is a sought-after author and speaker for digital summits on introversion, virtual work, and mental health.
Janice also spends time giving back to the HR community by being on the board and running the amazing event DisruptHR, which helps organizations innovate and grow no matter the state of the economy.

  • Massachusetts, United States
  • Rethinking Impostor Syndrome™ Coach Practitioner
Who I Help
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Executives
  • Introverts
  • Leaders
  • Managers