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About Serge

Coaching people that want transformation.

… “Do not dream half a dream
Do not fantasize about half hopes
Half the way will get you nowhere
Half an idea will bear you no results”

YES, your Search is Over

Hi my name is Serge and I've worked in the domain of 'life coaching' for 40 years... before it was called life coaching and I got officially "Certified" back in 2008, with clients as far away as Australia, Kuala Lumpur, Europe, and of course North America.

As a transformational life coach I bring a wealth of information and strategies all geared to help you get to the bottom of whatever disempowering mindsets might be keeping you from living the life you've dreamed of. This also means creating a new mindset geared toward life a happy and fulfilling life.

It's fear that prevents us from being who we are, fear of being disliked, fear of disapproval, fear of not being worthy or good enough.

We may think we can antagonize yourselves into being a better being. It turns out, being hard on ourselves doesn't motivate us, it anchors us in place. It's when we decide to seek assistance, identify and face those fears that we really begin to grow, with a sweeter touch. I'll be there with you and for you during the journey.

Of course it's not just about taking down limiting mindset-based perceptions that keep us in a holding pattern, keeping us from living our dreams and best life. It's much more about creating new and empowering mindsets so we can achieve our dream-life and being the best self we can be.

Everything is about transformation and specifically about transforming the same old same old mindsets that may have been the staple backup for so long, it's now become invisible and thus keeping us from living our dream. It all starts from the inside.

Life IS an inside job.

I've got your back and you CAN get those "lightbulb moments" that are so liberating, no longer having to carry the dead weight of the past so you can form the future you want.

All sessions, individual or groups are done via Zoom, best with webcam and mic/headset.

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