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Carlie Hardy

Empowering you to live an extraordinary life by accessing the answers that lie within you.


About Carlie

Hi there!

A warm welcome. I'm so glad you found me. After I left my Mormon faith I felt as if I didn't belong anywhere. If you are in the midst of a faith transition and feel like you don't belong anywhere, I want to reassure you have found a place where you belong and can express yourself.

In my coaching program I love to ask the questions and guide you so that you have a new level of belonging to yourself and enjoying your own company.

You deserve to live an extraordinary life. Free from the wounds of your past. In fact I believe that you do remember on some level how extraordinary you are. That may be the very reason you left your faith tradition. I help you create a clear vision of what your extraordinary life would look like. Then I assist you in access ing your own answers about your deeply held dreams and implement them.

My story is that I grew up in a deeply religious community and believed that the faith I was devoted to contained all of my answers.The emphasis was on obeying, rather than listening to my inner guidance. I had no idea I must have busted my own inner compass to obey the rules of my religion. One of those rules was to have a lot of kids--six to be exact. When my oldest son came out as being gay, and the Mormon religion no longer welcomed him, I had to step away from my faith.

What I thought was my perfect life seemed to collapse. And I collapsed along with it. I began reading and sought healing, first by earning two masters degrees. Then I found the Work of Byron Katie. Her simple process of inquiry into your thoughts helped me realize deeper levels of peace.

The spiritual healing has allowed me to find a new way of living by accessing the divine guidance my Higher Self brings from within. At last I have my own unique answers and feel confident in them. The Source of my happiness and guidance goes with me into every situation and is no longer dependent on things going my way.

You deserve to be happy again. I would love to work with you and that might include your family.
I have 1:1 coaching or a group programs. Send me an email to book a free session.

Beyond the pain and hurt, we can return to love.

  • Utah, United States