Elisabeth Carley-Leonard
Helping business owners powerfully pivot online to grow their socials & their sales

United Kingdom
business owners
About Elisabeth
Hi, I'm Elisabeth (aka 'that coach Liz') and after a decade running a bricks and mortar business I got burnt out and fed up with being shackled to a building that seemingly couldn't run without me, sound familiar?
I thought I'd created a business, but in reality all I'd done is create a job for myself.
I was always working in the business instead of on the business, and it got to a point where I'd had enough and decided I wanted and deserved more out of life - but I just didn't quite know what that next step was.
Then 2020 hit, and my music venue wouldn't open for 15 months. 15 months of no customers, no income, but still people to pay - so I pivoted online and stopped ignoring the power of social media.
Fast forward a couple of years and I transferred ownership of my venue so that I could focus fully on working online, and teaching other business owners how to powerfully pivot online too so that they can grow their socials and their sales.
My signature programme is a 12 week programme where I take you from clueless to confident when it comes to knowing what to post and when to post, and you'll walk away with a rinse and repeat 90 day posting strategy that you can utilise across multiple social media platforms.
So if you're a business owner who wants to pivot online so that you can grow your social presence and therefore increase your sales, then I'm excited to meet you!
United Kingdom
business owners