Kika Cicmanec
Creating a better mindset for lasting results.
- California, United States
- Certified Mindfulness Coach
- Certified PCC Coach (ICF)
- Certified Professional Coach
- Certified Tennis Coach
- Masters in Performing Arts
- Masters in Psychology
Who I Help
- Actors
- Artists
- Atheletes
- Celebreties
- Directors
- Entertainment Professionals
- People
- Women
- Youth
About Kika
I'm an experienced high-level athlete and mental coach, who shines light on the strengths and talents my clients hold within themselves -- elevating their potential to create a lasting change in their mindset, performance, and ultimately their life.
- California, United States
- Certified Mindfulness Coach
- Certified PCC Coach (ICF)
- Certified Professional Coach
- Certified Tennis Coach
- Masters in Performing Arts
- Masters in Psychology
Who I Help
- Actors
- Artists
- Atheletes
- Celebreties
- Directors
- Entertainment Professionals
- People
- Women
- Youth
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