Mel Rowland
Trauma Informed Coach supporting women in transforming their lives
- Canada
- CPD Accredited Narcissistic Abuse Specialist
- CPD Accredited Narcissitic Trauma Informed Coach
Who I Help
- Coparenting/parallel parenting with an abusive ex
- Divorce from a narcissist
- Survivors of abuse
- Survivors of Narcissistic abuse
- Women
- Women looking to break free
- Women wanting to heal
- Women wanting to thrive
About Mel
Through my own experiences I became aware of many women who were struggling to heal and thrive after experiencing abuse.
Many people who have experienced abuse have trauma. You don’t even necessarily understand what you have experienced, but can be experiencing a vast range of emotions and often feel like there is no one who can help, no one who really gets it.
I work with women to help them recover and thrive after abuse, though trauma informed methods that support their healing at the pace that is unique to their needs.
- Canada
- CPD Accredited Narcissistic Abuse Specialist
- CPD Accredited Narcissitic Trauma Informed Coach
Who I Help
- Coparenting/parallel parenting with an abusive ex
- Divorce from a narcissist
- Survivors of abuse
- Survivors of Narcissistic abuse
- Women
- Women looking to break free
- Women wanting to heal
- Women wanting to thrive
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