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About Theresa

You want that life promised by the fairy tales. You've read the books, taken the workshops, and tried all the hacks.... but nothing really seems to shift for you. You continue to struggle with emotional ups and downs, problems, and doubts. You are ready to do the work and level up to a magical experience, but want guidance, support and assurance.

I am here to let you know that it is not only possible to shift into an energetic space of continual peace, but that I have done it and can lead the way. I will encourage you and keep you on track.

Why should you work with me? Because 100% of my previous clients have experienced miracles!

You were not born here to struggle and die. You have a magnificent light inside you that wants to shine bright. You have a unique mission that no one else can fulfill. It is time to stop hiding and step out into the fabulous life that is your destiny.

Life doesn't have to be hard. Give yourself the gift of releasing whatever is holding you back.

  • Pennsylvania, United States
  • ACIM Minister, Ordained by the Teachers of God Foundation
Who I Help
  • Spiritually Inclined Women Seeking Peace, Love, and Joy