Annie Treml
Helping unconventional children & their families struggle less, relax more, and simply enjoy each other.

Wisconsin, United States
Parents of unconventional kids
About Annie
Craving a way to re-connect with your unapologetically "extra" child?
Are your unconventional child’s roller-coaster emotions, unpredictable behaviors & unnerving honesty creating friction in your family?
Do you wake up in the morning hoping for a glimpse of the sweet, sensitive & creative child you know?
Annie Treml is the go-to guide for ordinary families - with exceptional children - ready for extraordinary relationships.
Annie's "no stink eye" approach helps clients embrace uncommon & counter-intuitive parenting strategies to both honor each child's unique "other-ness" AND save mom's sanity.
When not out working her kid-whisperer magic, you can find this former school psychologist, counselor and college instructor belting out 80’s hair band tunes or hiding in the closet with her (secret) stash of Caramel M&Ms - reading Harry Potter. Again.
Wisconsin, United States
Parents of unconventional kids