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About Melonie

Melonie is the founder of Success on Purpose. Success on Purpose came about as Melonie asked herself “What is the Purpose of Life?” Whilst working in palliative care as a nurse for 18 years supporting people to die well and also a time in her life when she was struggling with depression, anxiety and feeling unfulfilled this question kept arising. Melonie watched many people die and wanted to die herself. Although she was making a difference in the lives of others, Melonie didn’t know how to make a difference in her own life.

This began a journey of self discovery to identify… “What is the purpose of life?” After researching different religions and philosophies Melonie found herself in the world of metaphysics. In the world of understanding how the brain, heart, body, mind and emotions work. Where science meets spirituality and where we can learn to create our life rather than exist on the default programming.

In metaphysics Melonie found her philosophy in life. Learning from palliative care not to fear death and learning in metaphysics not to fear life. To play full out and live with no regrets. Rather than exist to really live life to the fullest and experience all of it.

After not listening to the many signs from the universe which included stress, burnout, depression, anxiety and feeling empty, Melonie was given a big lesson. A massive breakdown after a broken wrist where she surrendered her ego to Higher Self. Unable to hold on anymore, it was time to let go. Melonie realised that she didn’t know how to do life, be in life or to really experience the joy in life. At the age of 33 years Melonie realised she had to learn how to be a human being instead of a human doing. To use her high achiever in self love rather than self hatred.

This began a journey of being mentored to learn how to be a human being. When the student was ready the teacher appeared. Melonie learnt that there are 4 keys to the purpose of life.
1. Mental- transforming limiting beliefs
2. Emotional- letting go of fear based emotions
3. Spiritual- connecting to Self through the parasympathetic nervous system
4. Physical- taking action/be accountable to achieve goals

Melonie learnt that the purpose of life is to live it to the fullest. Death is not the fear it is actually life. To learn how to live life and release the old programming. To feel alive and to live everyday like it is the last. To live with no regrets, experience it all and connect to joy, passion and bliss. To overcome the default programming and have Success on Purpose.

Melonie lives by the beach with her partner and is currently learning to surf! Also enjoys cycling, yoga, pilates, hiking and yummy food!

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