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About Alison

Growing up, I always knew I wanted to make a difference, to make the world better somehow, but the one sticking point was how. How could I make a difference and what would make the biggest impact for good? 

I have traveled widely, exploring many different cultures from South America, to Southern Africa to Europe.

My Christian faith has always been central to me and I have always felt that the Holy Spirit is leading me. The trick has been to tune into that still, small voice.

My path has taken many twists and turns but on each step of the journey, the question of how to bring about the most good in this world has stayed at the center, with my faith in Christ guiding and sustaining me. I found my way through infertility, through some desolate times as a new mom struggling to keep up as my body seemed to be shutting down (thanks to peri menopause/menopause) and a recent resurrection of sorts as I started to see the toxic patterns of my thoughts and began the work of rooting out those weeds to allow the beautiful word of God to thrive. 

Now, I am using my years of expertise, staying in the question, to find new questions that serve others in their search for better relationships, for better marriages and for more impact in the world.

Are you looking for something more, something better? I would be honored to walk alongside you and help you find the questions that will get you there, where you will find your missing peace. 

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19

  • Washington, United States
Who I Help
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Individuals seeking their purpose
  • Married Couples
  • Moms in Menopause
  • New moms
  • Youth