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About Katy

Have you ever longed to love who you are and achieve your dreams?
... I can totally relate

After spending WAY too many years not feeling happy with who I was and feeling uncomfortable in my own skin, I knew that something needed to change.

I used to not even be able to make a decision for myself - maybe you can relate?

I had this deep routed underlying fear of rejection and it was impacting on so many different areas of my life. I placed so much of my self worth in my career that when I was asked how would I feel if I couldn't work - I literally couldn't answer.

This was one of my many catalysts to changing my life!

I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and realised that the voices in my head that were creating what I believed about myself, weren't me or what I believed about myself and that they didn't have to stay there and I didn't have to believe what they were telling me!

I have always had a desire to help others and that has seen me complete over 15 years in HR and People Team roles - helping people to enjoy their jobs and support them with various challenges throughout their careers.

But, I wanted to make a greater impact!

Therefore in 2023 I made the pivot into life coaching - I have coached many managers and leaders throughout my HR Career but wanted to help people on a deeper level - hello Life Coaching Qualification!

Now, one thing you need to know about me is that I always do things to my absolute best ability; so I knew when I wanted to train as a life coach that I would do it officially and through a recognised accreditation.

I have therefore qualified as an Internationally Accredited Life Coach through the ICF (International Coaching Federation - the gold standard in coaching) - to ensure that my clients know the quality and standard of coaching they receive when working with me.

I'm on a mission to ensure no one feels unworthy, unhappy or unfulfilled! If you want support to reach your wildest dreams - I would love to help you get there!

  • United Kingdom
  • Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
  • International Coaching Federation (ICF) - Life Coaching Qualification
  • MA HRM
Who I Help
  • business Owners
  • Corporate people
  • Entrepreneurs