Tracy Frankland
Do you best, forget the rest!
- Canada
- Health/ wellness coach
- Life Coach
- Registered Nurse First Assistant
About Tracy
I am a Registered Nurse First Assistant with over 25+ years experience in the cardiac OR. Having experienced my own Breast Cancer Journey, 11 years cancer free, I have an interest in providing wholistic care to those who may have been diagnosed with an illness, or simply for those who want an accredited professional that can coach them towards the life and health they’ve dreamt of.
In my spare time I lead group fitness classes as an instructor with 6 years experience teaching Fit Boots and over 1 year experience teaching Poundfit.
I am a proud member of Team Canada for Fit Boots and is an International Presenter for Fit Boots.
I am a speaker, co-author of 2 International best selling books and I am a mom of twins!
- Canada
- Health/ wellness coach
- Life Coach
- Registered Nurse First Assistant