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About Alex

At its heart, human life is a profound mystery. The question of what constitutes a truly successful and fulfilling life, a good life, has always been asked, by every generation and culture, and perhaps will never be answered with any universal certainty. But what is clear, is that if we don’t pursue this question for ourselves, if we don’t hold ourselves out earnestly into this mystery, our life will not truly be our own and we cannot walk our authentic path in this world. Every day and everywhere, we are bombarded with myriad answers to what should hold our attention, to what we should be dedicating our time and energy. Many of those answers are shallow and even destructive, many are profound and meaningful, but without cultivating the practice of deep presence, of fearless introspection and clear-eyed self-awareness, and of endless curiosity and wonder, our life will merely be a reaction to what we encounter and how we are conditioned, rather than as an expression of our true nature. Only you can decide what your life is really about, how you want to spend your time and energy, and what vision you want to pursue, but no matter what, that choice is upon you, as a profound but challenging opportunity.

My coaching is rooted in this ultimate mystery, in a sincere respect for that deep and personal question within your own heart. My hope in my mentoring is to work with you to touch into this unfolding mystery that is your life, your “one wild and precious life,” and develop every aspect of yourself, mind and body, so you can contain and express this unique potential to its fullest.

With a life-long passion for life’s big questions, years of experience as a teacher and coach, professional training as a personal coach and philosopher, and a commitment to ongoing personal growth and evolution, I want to connect you with a deeper possibility for your life, a profound meaning and purpose waiting to be discovered and manifested.

Please visit my website for more details.

  • California, United States
Who I Help
  • Meditators
  • Spiritual Practioners