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Vessy Duffy

Feeling stuck and bored and “is this it?” Not knowing what to do but knowing you need to do something? I can partner with you to help you find your own answers and make the changes to enjoy your life.


About Vessy

I help people in their mid-life, who feel bored, confused, unhappy, or demotivated. I will support you in finding clarity and contentment in your life, that is born out of a deeper understanding of yourself, your circumstances, your values, beliefs, fears, and habits that hold you back. I will be your partner in this process, helping you to take responsibility for identifying your own goals, assessing your own strengths and weaknesses, and identifying your own solutions for moving forward. I will provide a safe, creative, and non-judgemental space, ask you thought-provoking questions, and listen, to help you explore, reflect and make decisions.
I believe that people have the solutions to their own problems but might need help to find them.
I have good personal experience with being confused, unhappy, and demotivated. I was stuck for a very long time – stuck in seemingly great corporate jobs, getting more and more frustrated and stressed out, knowing there must be something more, but all too scared to leave behind the financial security, and jump into the unknown. I got to a point where I felt I’d sold my soul, spending most of my conscious time on things that had no value for me. Eventually I summed up the courage to leave. It hasn’t all been easy since then, but it felt so much better. Tried some different things until I found what I really wanted. I’ve always been fascinated by people, the way we think, feel, and behave. I love listening to people and truly being there for them. Coaching is my passion.
Since I packed in my corporate job, I did a coaching course with Dr. Paras Wellness Ltd, an ICF ACTP (International Coach Federation Accredited Coach Training Program) and now hold a Professional Coach degree. In addition, I have a diploma in Health and Well-being with Stonebridge College. I am also an MBA.

  • United Kingdom
  • Certified Professional Coach
  • Diploma in Health and Well-being
  • MBA
Who I Help
  • People in their mid-life