Jamie Lee Zeno
You Become What You Think!

New York, United States
Entrepreneurs, working class individuals, celebrities, college students, parents
About Jamie Lee
I’m a certified life and health coach and have been coaching for about 5 years but recently decided to go all the way with it. What started as a passion for helping others elevate and succeed, now turned into a business so that I can continue to reach people all over the world and not limit my expertise to just one state. I work with clients of all ages and focus on what their needs and desires are, as well as eliciting their underlying superpower.
I wear many hats as I am not just a life and health coach, but I am also a law enforcement officer, an esthetician, and a business owner of now three businesses. I own a makeup and skincare line that I personally took the time to ensure it was created with YOU in mind. All products are vegan, cruelty-free, organic, and designed for everyone. The second business is a wellness spa in Long Island where we have incorporated everything from holistic wellness to aesthetic procedures. The third business, well… you’re here. I didn’t get this far by waking up one day and having a miracle happen. This took dedication, discipline, motivation, confidence, and more. It wasn’t easy and it still isn’t but I made the conscious decision to change my mindset and manifest the healthier version of myself so that I could live a healthier life I envisioned.
I am here to tell you that nothing is impossible. You possess everything that is needed to live the life you have always dreamt of. The version of yourself that is in your head, you can become them. I did, and if I could then you most certainly can as well! I’m here to help you with your journey. To help you develop healthy habits, grow as an individual, adapt new behaviors that will lead to long term changes. Change is the one thing that is certain in life and if you can accept that, the rest is easy. Be open-minded to what is to come and trust yourself, the way I trust in you.
Send me a message or visit my website and set up your complimentary discovery call with me. JLZ coaching.com
New York, United States
Entrepreneurs, working class individuals, celebrities, college students, parents