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Julie Vogler

Helping women restore the lost connection in their closest relationships


About Julie

As a Connection Specialist I coach women in one-sided relationships get the love and connection they want. Work with me to create the relationship you only imagined was possible.

You feel like you’re in love with a ghost, living parallel lives. Your man is right in front of you but feels so far away. Alone-together, you feel almost single in your relationship. And now you are exhausted from putting all the work in and getting little in return, you've all but lost yourself.

I know what it’s like to be in a one-sided relationship, afraid to rock the boat, and afraid to leave the man you love. Couples therapy didn’t work, but when I found relationship coaching, I discovered how much power I really had in changing the dynamic. Now, as a certified relationship coach, I can guide you through making the adjustments that will ripple through your life. Using a present centered model, I can help you develop new awareness and practices that will change your life.

Schedule a time to assess your relationship dynamic and identify your goals. You’ll gain a new perspective from this one coaching call. Work with me to redesign your romantic relationship.

  • Texas, United States
  • Certified Relationship Coach
Who I Help
  • Heartbroken
  • Married Women
  • Newly Broken Up
  • Single Women
  • Women in relationships with emotionally distant men