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About VerDarLuz

After his double lung collapse at the tender age of 17, VerDarLuz committed to Seize
the Day and take the deep dive into life. A traveler to 45 countries, author of three books
on Astrology and consciousness, and creator of Divine Timing Online School,
VerDarLuz uniquely blends systems of self-awareness—such as Astrology, Human
Design, and Shamanic Therapies—into his holistic Life and Business Coaching
practice. He teaches entrepreneurs, families, and couples how to honor and integrate
their core patterns and archetypes.

VerDarLuz empowers clients by helping them strategize the WHEN and WHERE of life: Optimal Time-mapping and Astro-Locality Power Places, as well as the WHO - harmonic relating, in both love and business. Since 2006, he has translated the occult and complex into a pragmatic language through his down-to-earth and playful speaking style. VerDarLuz facilitates transformational workshops involving Astrology, Conscious Relating, Keynote Concerts, Breathwork, Dance, and Shamanic healing worldwide.

  • Colorado, United States
  • 10,000 + virtual students
  • 17 years Astrologer and Human Design Life and Business Coach
  • Author of 3 books
  • Course Creator of 20+ online trainings