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Laura Jacobson

Transform stress into success: helping you boost focus and calm in highly stressful work environments


About Laura

You are an intelligent, hard-working, multi-tasker who works in a chaotic and competitive work environment. You have proven to yourself and others on multiple occasions and projects that you are capable and efficient at your job. However, lately, it has been catching up with you. The days are relentless. The work never stops. You are challenged by continuous deadlines from your boss and job responsibilities, and it is becoming difficult to keep up. You love your job, but it is starting to take its toll. You are feeling overwhelmed and burned out to the point of quitting. Frustration, anger, and guilt are taking over, and you find yourself snapping at the people in your world. You are frustrated with yourself because you know you can do this job, but its relentless nature affects all aspects of your life. Work life and home life are blending, and you are starting to lose sight of the difference. You are not sure how much longer you can live like this.

There are solutions and I can help you. Work with me as your coach and I can assist you in the process of finding your power. We will explore your work challenges together and come up with solutions. We will discover mindfulness techniques to open up your awareness so you choose how to respond in any given situation. We will look at the challenging people in your work life and how to communicate with power and positivity, even if they are treating you poorly. We will examine your unique strengths and talents and how to utilize them purposefully. We will investigate where your life feels out of balance so you can bring it back to homeostasis. With this knowledge, you will have the tools and techniques to excel in your chaotic work environment with calmness, purpose, and choice.

I know first-hand about stressful work environments. I worked in law firms for more than 30 years as a legal assistant and office manager, so I know exactly what you are going through. I know about the unrealistic deadlines and expectations. I have had my share of difficult bosses and competitive co-workers. With my experience in this arena and the knowledge I have gained along the way to thrive despite the odds, I can help you. I am a certified Whole Person Coach. I obtained a Master of Science in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and studied the consequences of difficult work cultures.

Let me help you transform stress into success.

  • Oregon, United States
  • Certified Whole Person Coach
  • Master of Science in Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Who I Help
  • Employees in stressful work environments
  • Men & Women
  • Professionals
  • Professional Staff