Laura DeMarco
I can be the guide to help you find YOUR way - to support you in discovering who you are, and what you are truly capable of, if only you give yourself the opportunity. #weareallaworkinprogress

Virginia, United States
CrossFit Level 4
Precision Nutrition Level 1
About Laura
I have been coaching folks for almost 20 years now. What began as personal training and group exercise gradually evolved into a more holistic approach, adding nutrition guidance, then further expanding my services to include reiki and life coaching. My purpose is to assist each individual’s growth: inside, outside, and the myriad of inter-related connections to those aspects of ourselves. We are complex creatures who must be mindful of both the forest and the trees in our lives to be able to navigate our path.
We are all human; we struggle. Self-esteem, work-life balance, anxiety about things we can and cannot control. Feelings about our purpose or lack thereof.
I hear you.
I am not here to give you the answers, because I don’t have YOUR answers. But I can be the guide to help you find YOUR way - to support you in discovering who you are, and what you are truly capable of, if only you give yourself the opportunity.
Virginia, United States
CrossFit Level 4
Precision Nutrition Level 1