Master Hypnotist
Master NLP Practitioner
Master Time Line Therapy Practitioner
About Eleni
I have struggled with PTSD, anxiety and disordered eating. About 15 years ago I was pregnant, and everything was going as expected. Then, at only 26 weeks pregnant I went into labour and had my son. He was only 2 pounds when he was born, and we almost lost him several times. I was in survival mode for the 3 months he was in the hospital. When we brought him home, I was still anxious and crying constantly. I had no idea I was suffering from trauma. I had always had a low self image, and I found myself started to diet and restrict food while exercising excessively. I was miserable, and didn't know what to do. I met an NLP coach and what she said about her process really appealed to me, so I started working with her. I was desperate to feel better, but didn't really think it would work. I felt better so fast, and became fascinated by what this strange and different process was, so I became certified. The rest, as they say, is history.
I have worked with hundreds of clients, and has helped them eliminate their issues, using a combination of NLP, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnosis.
I created the Rapid Relief Method based on these protocols, and it works for every client, because I work with you to change the neurology in your brain, so you can release old habits, emotions and patterns. This is not therapy, but a proven process that works.
Master Hypnotist
Master NLP Practitioner
Master Time Line Therapy Practitioner