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About Kristina


Hello! My name is Kristina Tomei.
I am so thankful that you swung by to learn a little bit about me, about my life, about my coaching style, and even some of the programs that I have developed along the way.
Let's jump right in!

I am 38years old, I am a mother to two of the most amazing humans I know, and not just because they're my kids either. My son is 20 and my daughter
18! I had them young and raised them by myself, and I am so thankful they chose me to when they chose me, as they were always my reason to keep going!
Over the years I was faced with many situations that probably should have destroyed me, however, I learned to use the pain I felt to fuel the fire that pushed my forward. I did so many things wrong but I made sure that my heart, my soul, and my intentions always stayed pure. More importantly, I knew the importance of the lesson and I spent a lot of time making sure I found the lesson within the pain.

  • Florida, United States
  • Certified Transformational Mindset Coach