Piper Watson
Helping creative people make money and have an awesome life!
- Maryland, United States
- 200 HR RYT - Registered Yoga & Meditation Teacher
- CPC - Certified Professional Coach (IPEC)
- ELI-MP - Energy Leadership Master Practitioner (IPEC)
- PCC - Professional Certified Coach /International Coaching Federation (ICF)
- Actors
- Artists
- Creative Professionals
- Entrepreneurs
- Filmmakers
- Health and Wellness Professionals
- Writers
About Piper
A former photographer and passionate multi-preneur, in 2018 I left my last career as a nonprofit founder/director to #vanlife around the world thinking that was the answer to my burnout and lack of confidence.
It showed me how I was getting in the way of my happiness.
Before that, I spent 15 years (unknowingly) becoming an expert in creative entrepreneurship, community building, and supporting others to feel empowered to create any life they choose.
I have developed a unique coaching style while working with numerous impact-driven organizations nationally and globally such as National Geographic Photo Camp, VisionWorkshops, and NeighborWorks America.
I now work primarily with female & non-binary leaders, creatives, and disruptors, to harness their full potential, and master their own mindsets, behaviors, and emotional regulation.
- Maryland, United States
- 200 HR RYT - Registered Yoga & Meditation Teacher
- CPC - Certified Professional Coach (IPEC)
- ELI-MP - Energy Leadership Master Practitioner (IPEC)
- PCC - Professional Certified Coach /International Coaching Federation (ICF)
- Actors
- Artists
- Creative Professionals
- Entrepreneurs
- Filmmakers
- Health and Wellness Professionals
- Writers