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About Amy

I am a professional actress, an LOA-savvy deliberate creator, and a certified life coach. I hold a Life Coaching certification from The Coaching Guild, founded by Lisa M. Hayes, and certifications in Mindfulness and Neuro-Linguistic Programming via the iNLP Center.

I call myself "The Aligned Actor" because I love alliteration, and I live my life by first aligning with my goals and desires, and then taking inspired action to manifest them. I get clear on what I want, why I want it, what it feels like, and who I have to become to get it. That place of aligned clarity allows me to stay inspired and motivated as I make shifts in myself and take the necessary actions to get myself there.

I can help you align and act within your own life.

I believe we live in a supportive, focus-driven universe. Wherever we choose to focus our attention dictates what we will continue to observe in our reality. I decide to focus on appreciation, I notice more things to appreciate. I decide to focus on ease, I notice how my tasks end up being easier than I thought they’d be. I decide to focus on red cars, sure enough, my brain notices every single red car on the road.

Our emotional state is not the method by which we manifest. Focus first, feelings to follow (but not required). We cannot strong arm our emotions into alignment, and to try to do so is toxic and potentially damaging (ask me how I know). I choose self love, nurturing, and caring for myself through ALL my highs and lows.

All vibes are welcome in my world. Like they say, “You have to feel it to heal it.” Pretending to deny the crappy stuff in life doesn't magically make it disappear or help us cope with it any better. It just stalls our genuine progression back to feeling good, back to feeling empowered, back to feeling inspired to make whatever change is necessary.

I will see you, accept you, and honor you exactly where you are and help you find your way to wherever you want to be in life. My skills as an actress make me an intuitive, open-hearted coach. Acting and coaching are both about immersing yourself fully in the present moment - listening, responding, exploring, sharing, and creating with total empathy and vulnerability. We will play, create, align, and have so much fun celebrating every step of your journey.

Together, we will discover what works best for you and the life you are creating.

We are all doing the best we can at all times. Laughter is potent medicine; "ugly" crying is nurturing; doing both simultaneously is beautiful, complex human-ing at its best. Music has the power to move us - mind, body, and spirit. Self care is a daily, non-negotiable essential and WAY simpler than the beauty industry wants us to believe. *Imagination is a powerful resource. Everyone is worthy and deserving.

  • California, United States
  • Certified Life Coach
  • Certified Mindfulness Practitioner
  • Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Who I Help
  • Actors
  • Creatives
  • Folks from all walks of life