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About Leeza

I am an Entrepreneur based in Denver, CO, with a passion for transforming lives. I’ve always felt the call to serve people and my journey has taken an exciting turn as I've transitioned into the world of coaching.

I focus on life coaching where I hope to make impactful and lasting changes in the lives of people who want to find discipline, clarity, and structure. Additionally, I love to help up and coming entrepreneurs find their footing, achieve their goals, and light up their path to success.

Instead of imposing a rigid system, I center my coaching methodology around what makes you undeniably human.

The elements every human needs are Connection, Purpose, Growth, and Wellbeing. We focus on what makes you happy, what your goals are, who you really are, and ultimately what works for you. I want to meet you at your humanity and show you how to embrace it. This approach is designed to resonate with you on a personal level, making the coaching experience deeply relatable and transformative.

Let's grow together! 🌞

  • Colorado, United States
  • Certified Professional Coach
Who I Help
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Humans