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Tonia Cordi

I help people let go of the past and reconnect to their passion, power and soul purpose!


About Tonia

I’ve been exploring transformation for over 20 years. When I was a teacher I focused on inspiring and finding my students passion and purpose. As a coach I did the same. Along the way I have picked up many tools, insights and points of view that have helped me feel lighter, freer and most of all in my power. The more I can stay in alignment and connected to my soul purpose the easier and more fun life is.

I grew up not knowing how I felt, or when I did, I didn’t know what to do with those feelings because a lot of the time I was picking up what was around me. Can we say EXTREME empath! I also had no clue how to take care of myself and stand in my power. Without these skills I carried a heaviness of my past and I often didn’t feel like myself. I craved to feel free, lighter, joyful, creative, and to live a life where I could guide others to feel the same.

Working As A Life Alignment Coach
Over the last nine years I’ve played and experimented with different strategies, techniques, tools that help reconnect the mind, body and spirit so I and my clients can stand in our power and purpose.

The cool thing is that our point of view creates our reality and who says that “inner work” has to be hard, stressful and scary. Why not look at everything in life as play, fun and a way to be curious and explore all the possibilities.

This doesn’t mean that I don’t have moments of discomfort, stress or overwhelm. It means that when they arise I can approach them with a new point of view that doesn’t keep me trapped in the past and heaviness rather a curiosity and quick shift back to my centre, back to my power, back to me.

  • Canada
Who I Help
  • People who are committed to growing and changing
  • trauma recovery