JoAnn Nolte
Coaching woman entrepreneurs
- Texas, United States
- Dreamers
- Educators
- Entrepreneurs
- Home Educators
- Life Long Learners
- Moms
- Teachers
About JoAnn
As a life-long learner, JoAnn has pursued a wide range of knowledge and experience across several fields. JoAnn studied Organizational Management and Youth Psychology while attending Colorado Christian University, she began her journey in the realm of learning as she and her four children journeyed together through 18 years of homeschooling.
Along the way, JoAnn has learned real-life lessons on how young minds truly think and learn, how to celebrate and capitalize on those varied learning styles and strengthen individual talents and interests. She celebrates opportunities to see those around her heroically traverse challenges to discover how they can change their corner of the world. She truly believes that everyday life is a huge, open classroom with endless possibilities.
While on this learning journey JoAnn started Learning Fun 101: LEGO© Robotics, an educational company in the Central Texas Area that reaches over 2000 children every year with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Learning Fun 101 success was the beginning of her life as an entrepreneur and a key component in the creation of her latest business E.S.T.E.A.M Academy and ESTEAM Learning Labs.
- Texas, United States
- Dreamers
- Educators
- Entrepreneurs
- Home Educators
- Life Long Learners
- Moms
- Teachers