Tanya Clovis
Helping people who help people create more support and space in their own lives.
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher
- Certified Wayfinder Life Coach
- Restorative Yoga Teacher
- Thai Massage Therapist
Who I Help
- People Curious About Embodiment and Mindfulness in Everyday Life
- People Interested in Connecting to Deep Rest and Creating Resilient Joy
- People Navigating Big Transitions
- People Overwhelmed by Ideas and Ideals
- People Recovering From Burnout
- People Struggling With Boundaries
- People Supporting Other People
- People Trying to Change The World
About Tanya
I use embodied mindfulness practices to help leaders and strivers, activists and healers, carers and feelers. Deepen your innate capacity to cultivate a life of greater awareness, ease and flow rooted in curiosity, interconnection and self compassion.
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher
- Certified Wayfinder Life Coach
- Restorative Yoga Teacher
- Thai Massage Therapist
Who I Help
- People Curious About Embodiment and Mindfulness in Everyday Life
- People Interested in Connecting to Deep Rest and Creating Resilient Joy
- People Navigating Big Transitions
- People Overwhelmed by Ideas and Ideals
- People Recovering From Burnout
- People Struggling With Boundaries
- People Supporting Other People
- People Trying to Change The World
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