Megan Glennie
Stop navigating life with someone else's map— let's create your own!

A.A. in Psychology
Certified ADHD Life Coach (pending)
Late-diagnosed ADHD adults
About Megan
Many people, especially those with neurodivergent brains, feel like square pegs trying to fit into round holes. We might be able to make life in a neurotypical world "work," but there are always some blisters and callouses that come from not quite fitting in.
I believe we won't find lasting satisfaction if we always strive to do things the same way everyone else does and try to achieve someone else's goals. Each of us has the power to build a life that aligns with our unique personal values, individual needs, strengths, and one-of-a-kind dreams.
I believe that shame keeps us stuck. Things don't need to be hard to have value. I don't buy into the belief that we need to earn or prove our worth. Value is already inherent in all of us.
I believe that we are all creative, resourceful and whole. I can help you makes changes and achieve success on your terms— and do it in ways that are true to you.
A.A. in Psychology
Certified ADHD Life Coach (pending)
Late-diagnosed ADHD adults