Ang Kostelyk
Christian Life Coach helping women bust through self-imposed limitations to discover the life Christ has planned for you . Jeremiah 29:11
- Indiana, United States
- Certified Professional Life Coach
- Health and Wellness Coach
- Mental Health Coach
- Christians
- Entrepreneurs
- women
About Ang
Hi! I’m Ang.
After 21-years of marriage, I found myself facing divorce. I felt every emotion possible as I worked through betrayal trauma. Since then, I have been coaching other women through this major life transition. I became a Certified Life and Mental Health Coach and began the second phase of my life.
I love helping women embrace their second chance to create a life they’ve always wanted. Freedom to live out the life Christ has for them.
I also love working with entrepreneurs. I have been an entrepreneur since 2006 and owned my own health and wellness studio. I will do a bit of coaching and a bit of consulting to move you forward in your business.
- Indiana, United States
- Certified Professional Life Coach
- Health and Wellness Coach
- Mental Health Coach
- Christians
- Entrepreneurs
- women