Yasmin Abouelhassan
Create the life you crave and enjoy living it.

Certified Comprehensive Coach
Certified Couples Coach
Certified Relationship Coach
Certified Singles Coach
About Yasmin
My divorce seemed to have chattered all my beliefs about Love and relationships and put me on a quest to find valid theories and concepts. I felt I was cheated by uncomprehensive and shallow teachings.
I was concerned about my son (who was 3) and how to raise him without mudding his beliefs about love, and marriage.
I wanted to ease people’s pain (that I felt through divorce) and empower them to make the right decision even if they have chosen a mismatching spouse once or twice.
Furthermore I wanted to coach people to uncover their own criteria of choice that is true to their essence.
I didn’t want to tell them what to do. I wanted them to find their own answers.
I love the moments when they find their own answers. Their voices open up, their eyes widen, their spirits awaken.
When I stumbled upon Life and Relationship Coaching, I felt that I hit the jackpot. It resonated with my heart and soul. Since then and for more than 18 years, I’ve been liberating divorcees from cultural stigma and empowering them to find love, create meaningful connections and build happy families.
Certified Comprehensive Coach
Certified Couples Coach
Certified Relationship Coach
Certified Singles Coach